Guide to Empowering the Manufacturing Workforce of Tomorrow

March 2023

Learn how to mitigate the manufacturing labor shortage by empowering the workforce of tomorrow.

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Learn how to mitigate the manufacturing labor shortage by empowering the workforce of tomorrow.

Empowering the Manufacturing Workforce of Tomorrow

Learn how to mitigate the manufacturing labor shortage by empowering the workforce of tomorrow.
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From the Industrial Revolution to the development of mass production techniques, to new sustainable energy alternatives, the manufacturing industry has been ever-evolving since its inception. The most recent changes in worker demands, however, have resulted in a persistent labor shortage and skills gap for many manufacturers, compromising their potential success.

The key to unlocking the growth and success your company needs lies in learning to empower the next generation of manufacturing workers. In this guide, we’ll provide you with simple, free solutions to attract, retain, and empower more talent so your company can thrive in the years to come. 


  1. Several factors, including misconceptions about working in manufacturing, an aging workforce, and shifting skill requirements are leading to industry-wide labor shortages.
  2. This workforce crisis needs to be addressed, as high staff turnover and inexperienced workers are increasing the risks of product defects, workplace injuries, and equipment damage.
  3. New workers are demanding more flexibility, career advancement opportunities, and improved working conditions—values which have not typically been associated with the manufacturing industry.
  4. Addressing these negative perceptions is crucial to attracting more workers, and increasing schedule and payment flexibility is essential for retaining them.

Additional recommendations to start resolving this manufacturing workforce crisis include peer-to-peer programs, more task variability, and sufficient training, so that employees can be stimulated, confident, and engaged by their work.

Introduction: Where the Manufacturing Industry Stands Today

Today, the manufacturing sector is struggling to get back on its feet after decades of labor reductions were compounded by the pandemic. Desperate to meet rising demand, manufacturing executives are using short-term strategies to employ staff, but the industry is still facing an ongoing talent shortage that could lead to 2.1 million unfilled manufacturing jobs by 2030.

However, there is a bright side to this volatile environment. The increasingly digital-first manufacturing model is an opportunity not just for innovative thinking, but also a more general, holistic evaluation of how the manufacturing industry runs—and how it could run better. 

Manufacturing jobs have long been widely criticized in the past, creating a negative public perception of low-paid, repetitive, and physically demanding work. However, the rise of the Titanium Economy is creating thousands of high-quality, well-paid manufacturing jobs. It’s widely predicted that U.S. manufacturing is ‘poised for a significant resurgence’, so now’s the time to get ahead and make the most of this ‘manufacturing renaissance’. 

Today, the top priority is creating an empowered workforce: Talent must be attracted and retained, and ambition must be encouraged. 

While some factors responsible for the labor shortage crisis are out of manufacturing companies’ hands, others have straightforward solutions. Let’s have a look at the main contributing factors to the labor shortage and what can be done.

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