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The HealthTrust Wallet built by Branch

Branch shares HealthTrust’s commitment to not only being tech-forward and cost-effective, but also bringing the best experience to your healthcare heroes.

We’re really excited about the potential of a HealthTrust Wallet powered by Branch, as it can help address the same-day strike pay requirements with same-day payments at no cost. We’d love to pick up the conversations we had earlier this year and see how Branch can help you keep the best earners on your platform and attract new clinicians across the organization.

I pulled together some resources based on our previous meeting and some of the key insights from Steve Wright’s presentation at SIA. Is the instant payout initiative a part of your 2025 strategy?


“With Nursa Direct, clinicians who get paid through Branch pick up 15% more shifts than clinicians who use other payment methods.”

Millie Rapp
Manager of Strategic Initiatives, Nursa
Read their story

“Same-day pay has been the #1 tool in reducing the level of no-call, no-shows we experience”

Anthony Miller
Director of Operations
Read their story

"Nursa Direct is an important clinician value-generator. Having access to Nursa Direct means that a clinician is never going to choose to use a competitor platform simply because of faster access to pay."

Millie Rapp
Manager of Strategic Initiatives, Nursa
Read their story
Quality Clinicians

“A lot of people who go on to work for us bring up same-day pay when they start—they mention that they signed up for it and start asking about it right away.”

Daniel Stull
VP of Operations, Quality Clinicians
Read their story

Join industry leading companies already using Branch to modernize paydays.

Take a 15-minute meeting with your Branch representative to learn what faster payments can unlock for your business.

Unlock a Happier, More Productive Workforce