Branch × Tippy Beauty & Wellness Trends Report

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Branch offers a mobile digital wallet for working Americans. An on-demand hub that helps them meet their everyday financial needs, our app allows any employee to receive money, manage their cash flow, and spend anywhere – all from their smartphone.

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Discover how beauty and wellness industry professionals view today’s tipping trends, the rise of digital payments, and how tips impact their financial security and habits.

Branch × Tippy Beauty & Wellness Trends Report

Discover how beauty and wellness industry professionals view today’s tipping trends, the rise of digital payments, and how tips impact their financial security and habits.

Tipping plays a critical role in the lives of hospitality professionals, especially those in the beauty and wellness industry. Amidst cash shortages and the rise of card-based tips, how are stylists and other beauty wellness professionals viewing this shift from cash? 

In the first Branch x Tippy Beauty and Wellness Trends Report, we surveyed 500+ beauty and wellness industry professionals to get their views on tipping, digital payments, and how tips impact their financial security and habits. Some of the key findings include:

  • Over 80 percent find greater financial security and stability
in their tips.
  • Almost half of respondents were more likely to save their tips when they received them digitally than they would with cash.
  • Stylists cited personal relationships (73%) as the top factor driving the amount of tip they receive.

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